The Players
Don and Tony are the instigators of all of this.
Can you imagine cycling from the north pole to the south pole?? These guys have been harboring this fantasy for a while now. In the last 2 decades they have cycled several legs of this trip, including Alaska, the Pacific coast of the USA and Chile. Inviting friends along for the rides. Although some would say they are crazy, they have done about half of the distance already, albeit in sections. And they have stories to tell! And now they want more.

Meet our unofficial leaders
Don Searle & Tony Viola
Both are 68 years old, school mates from Dawson Creek, and friends since 1964. They are seven years into an incredible cycling adventure. So exactly, who are these guys?
Here's Tony's take on this:
"We are friends and former marathoners, tri-athletes and Ironman Canada finishers; lately, we have become explorers and long distance cyclists. We just love pushing our physical limits through various adventures--like this one. We are connecting the Antarctic to the Arctic on our bicycles, on the instalment plan."
The pair began their epic journey in 2012 and so far, they have completed over 9,000 km of the overall 24,000 km quest. This time out, they are joined by 4 friends who will ride "stage 6" with them, a distance of 1685 kms from San Diego, California, down the Mexican Baja peninsula to San Jose del Cabo. Let the grinds begin!
So, who is fool enough to go with them? Meet the supporting players–all of them over 60:
Cyclist aficionado extraordinaire..even when he is half dressed:
Ken Williams
Ken is an avid cyclist having done numerous bike trips over the years in India, Mexico, Spain, France, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. In 2013 he joined Don and Tony for their Victoria to San Diego leg and is now looking forward to the latest section of their quest. He seems ageless, but he was born in 1953.
Cycling nutcase... unless he's plunging into another huarache.
John Macpherson
John small 'p' Macpherson lives on Saltspring Island and has been a cycling devotee since 2010. "It's going to be a blast being one of the supporting cast in Don and Tony's next chapter. I've cycled in Croatia, France, Cuba, the USA, and now four times in Mexico. This should be fun!" He can talk bike tools and specs for hours.
Cyclist... except when tequila is in the picture
Ross Hedley
A collector of resonating quotes, and a Sidney Island catcher of cottage mice, at 69, he's the oldest of our group, Ross needed to join this ride, since he feels he's missed too many of these epics already. Ross admits he isn’t much of a cyclist while claiming he’s done a couple of longer rides, including half of British Columbia. “I’m joining in on the Baja2020 ride to try and be the man I used to be." We're hopeful...
"Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air." ...Ralph Waldo Emerson